To Clarify…

We really do have multiple blogs on this site. The Yellow Tapers just mentioned our blogs on the Construction Zone. And I wanted to point out that each member has a blog. You can see the latest post from each one on our main page. Then we have the main Loaded Gun Theory blog that this post is a part of. That will keep you up to date on all the latest LGT goodness going on. Slightly less rambling than our personal blogs. Although, that’s only slightly. If you have a newsreader you can signup for the blogs by clicking the little rss icon wherever you see it.

But, that brings us to some cool stuff. Ian has been working tirelessly on the poster for Slapdash Flimflamerry 3 (coming to you July 8th). I’ve posted the current copy. Pretty cool, eh? Remember to get your reservations in!

Where else can you get 6 shows, written by 6 playwrights, directed by 6 directors, acted by 18 actors, all done in the span of 24 hours? And all you need to do is show up for the performance. Lucky you. So easy to reap the fruits of our labor.