September 25th at 8pm
On September 24th we will lock 7 writers in the bowels of the Off Center. Chained to their computers and tormented by their overseers they will create seven devilishly devious derivations. The next day demonic foreman and automatons are brought in to toil the entire day through and present 7 wondrous new creations for you at 8pm. One night only!
Buy your tickets now. And don't forget you can watch it all happen on our LiveBlog.
Click the circles at left to learn about the various circles of Slapdash
First Circle
The Producers
This is the Seventh time that Loaded Gun Theory has produced their 24-hour play festival. They have been around for 11 years and in that time have produced almost exclusively new work. Slapdash Flimflammery is invitation only. We find the best people we can, since many crack under the pressure and we have no choice, but for the show to go on.
Whether it's your seventh or first Slapdash,
join us this year.
Second Circle
The Writers
E.D. Harrelson, Timothy Thomas, Travis Holmes, Max Langert, Sarah Saltwick, Paul Emig, and Aimee Gonzales are the writers of the damned. They will be locked into the Catacombs at 10pm and write feverishly for the next 7 hours.
Their reward? Eternal sleep as images of all their misplaced words and illogical turns torture them for the rest of time.
Third Circle
The Demonic Foremen
Frank Benge, Nikki Zook, Julie Winston-Thomas, Bill Arnold, Ian LeClair, Lynn Beaver, and Karen Jambon are our demonic foremen for the day.
Once the've fixed their malfunctioning automatons to keep them from repeatedly turning their back to the audience or repeating the same wrong words over, and over, they still must deal with flashing lights and ghostly sounds.
Fourth Circle
The Automatons
The Automotons get all the glory. They are the ones who are seen. But they also are the most damned. Damned to spend an eternity in a pool of light. Trying desperately to come up with the next line. Or barring that, something that doesn't make them come off as a complete twit and confuse all the other automotons until they're all randomly bouncing around the stage repeating the same thing over and over and bumping into each other.
This year the Fourth Circle is full with Miriyam Rubin, Le Easter, Ian King, Amy Lewis, Debbi DiSimone, Courtney Salinas, Andy Brown, Michelle Keffer, Marc Balester, Mary Roark, Martina Olhauser, Dawn Youngs, Kurt Hildebrandt, Kara Blay, Jessica Medina, Andy Smith, John Dunn, Marianna Guerrero, Beth Trumpy, Jennymarie Jemison, and Laurie Gallardo.
Fifth Circle
The Goddess of Discipline
Returning yet again is Christina Teichman-Gardner our Goddess of Discipline. She carries a massive stop-watch and a whip. Throughout the day she moves the clockwork cogs of Automotons and Foremen through the catacombs. Seven stops. Then once again.
She is calm, because she controls it all.
Sixth Circle
The Catacombs
The Catacombs of the Off Center
house the proceedings. At night the chilly main hall is filled with the clatter of keys. The swishing of printing paper. The screams of the damned as their technology fails.
Come morning the catacombs shift and change shape. Automotons and their foreman move from cool dark broom closet, to dank bathrooms, to blistering sun. Searching for an elusive perfection in entropy.
Seventh Circle
An Audience
At 8pm on September 25th, the audience fills in the main hall of the Catacombs. Their shrill laughter piercing the surrounding walls. Damned to laugh harder than they have ever laughed before. Their sides and lungs literally splitting from the effort.
If they're lucky they'll make it through the other side and get a beer.