Metal Queen: Character Sketches

Gretchen Van Blume

Jasmine’s Mom, Diane’s best friend, and Darren’s widow. Her husband killed himself a month ago and now she has resorted to robbing houses with her best friend to get money and for stress relief.

Diane Salinas

Holly’s Mom and Gretchen’s best friend. In danger of losing her house and constantly stalked by bill collector Ken because of a series of payday loans she took out. Robs houses with Gretchen to try and get out of her debt.

Nicole Wordsworth, aka Nicole Nails aka the Metal Queen

Former lead singer of an 80’s and 90’s metal band which inspired Holly, Jasmine, and Abby to get into metal. Owner of the Metalscape Metal Club, mom to Seven, and all around badass.

Jasmine Van Blume

Gretchen’s daughter, teenage computer wunderkind, Holly’s best friend, guitarist and lead singer for the band. Builds a drone to spy on people and discovers Gretchen and Diane robbing houses. Decides to put their skills to use to kidnap Seven so Jasmine, Holly and Abby’s band can get a gig at the Metalscape opening for Maiden’s Blood.

Holly Salinas

Diane’s daughter, Jasmine’s best friend, bassist for the band. Really, REALLY hates Maiden’s Blood and is obsessed with the Metal Queen.

Abby Jones

Drummer for the band, the third wheel.

Seven Wordsworth

Nicole’s daughter, A-student, Diane’s geometry student, lactose intolerant.


Slimy debt collector who uses extreme methods to get money back for his employer, a Payday Lender. Huge fan of the Metal Queen.

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