All posts by tim

SHARED: Houston Mayor, Anise Parker on Metro: Riders come first – Ending fares, reshaping role to improve agency are on the table. What do you think?

Everyone is going on summer vacations and #SNAPPatx wants in on the fun. We are embarking on our own virtual travels this week. Join us! You can read more about our travels at

Feb. 8, 2010

As Mayor Annise Parker awaits reports from transition committees studying the Metropolitan Transit Authority, fundamental questions loom about how the agency should deliver and pay for services and its role in shaping regional growth and development.

Parker has signaled that she is not wedded to conventional wisdom about Metro, even suggesting eliminating fares to increase lagging ridership. While acknowledging that Metro would have to cope with the loss of fare revenues — $66 million in 2009, about 20 percent of its expenses — she said it is a discussion the agency needs to have.
The mayor, who appoints five of the nine members of Metro’s board, said she envisions a seamless network of transportation services that move people efficiently throughout the eight-county Houston region.
“The goal should be, wherever you get on our ultimate mass transit system, from commuter rail, to light rail, to bus, you get one ticket, you go anywhere in the region,” Parker said.
Those who depend on public transportation should receive priority in Metro’s planning, Parker said.
“I’ve been concerned that Metro has been drawing the line in the wrong place,” Parker said. “They’re too concerned with the bottom line and not concerned enough that their job is to provide transit to people who really don’t have any other option.”
Metro says its operating ratio — the share of its costs covered by fare collections — has increased from 17 percent in 2005 to an estimated 21 percent this year, still well below the national average of 33 percent. 
Eliminating fares, of course, would make cost-benefit analysis meaningless, since every route would be fully subsidized. But allowing passengers to ride for free might attract enough riders to reduce congestion for drivers and produce other benefits, Parker said.
“I don’t really care so much what they collect at the fare box,” the mayor said. “I’m not going to tell them to do this, but I am personally interested in exploring — unless we’re leveraging those dollars in some ways for other kinds of matches — dropping the fares to get more people on board.”
Metro spokesman George Smalley said the agency offered free rides on its downtown trolley service from 1998 to 2004, but use of the service never exceeded more than about 11,000 daily boardings. Metro later discontinued the service.
Metro has opened its books to members of Parker’s transition committees, to ensure that she has the information she needs to decide whether dropping fares is a good idea.

Full Article

SHARED: First World Problems


“Boom, bitches. I’m out.”

My heart really goes out to everyone who bought a brand new magical internet computer phone and isn’t 100% satisfied with their purchase. Sometimes life just takes a shit right on your face, doesn’t it?. It’s like you’re a helpless little seagull and the universe is just this unfathomable geyser of foul, viscous sludge that’s constantly spilling hundreds of thousands of barrels of hate-pudding into your home each and every day for months on end… ya’ know… because of the bars… on your phone… and how there aren’t enough of them when you hold said phone a certain way.

“CURSE YOU GOD!” And right to curse him you are, gentle consumer. For it isn’t enough to simply have the sum total of all human knowledge instantly accessible from a device that fits in your shirt pocket. Nay! That device must also be flawless in it’s aesthetics as well as it’s every function! To suffer anything less would be like being forced to skip a meal… or two meals… or go for some greater period of time without food of any kind… or potable water… or being made to live in constant fear of the rape gangs and drug lords that steal children in the night. It’s just like that.

All silliness aside, Apple knew about the antenna problems WELL before the iPhone 4 launch. The only evidence you need is the Bumpers. Apple has never released an Apple sanctioned case for ANY Apple portable device since the inception of the iPod. In fact, Papa Steve has always taken a staunch, “Cases? We don’t need no stinkin’ cases,” approach to the issue. In fact again, the one and only time Apple came close to offering a case was when they started shipping 5G iPods and 1G Nanos with a simple stitched slip cover to appease the 1000′s of customers (including me) reporting all-t00-easily-scratched screens.

So OF COURSE they knew about the problem. They had enough time to design and manufacture the Bumpers, and hope to high hell that more people bought them than not. I guess that plan failed. So what are they going to announce today? My guess is that a full on recall would ruin their profits for this quarter/year. I bet they offer free bumpers too all iPhone 4 customers. They F’ed up, they got caught and they need to make it right. Though I really have to give Steve props for the “you’re holding it wrong” line. That took some brushed aluminum balls.


I will be in the Webcomics Pavillion (handy/shittily made map) at the Topatoco booth (#1231) with many of your other favorite internet-style cartoonists.

FB’s JustChristine and JonnyAce wants to organize a meetup for sometime during the con. Thursday night I will be at W00tstock. If you are interested make a comment. If enough people are interested we can make an event on the Fancy Bastards Facebook page. Follow me on Twitter for minute to minute updates as to what’s going on while I’m at Comic-Con.

Help a brother out…

Money is VERY tight at the HijiNKS household right now so if you want to support HE and see it continue for hundreds of years to come, please MAKE A DONATION or BUY SOMETHING FROM THE STORE.



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Tags: <a href="" title="apple" rel="tag">apple</a>, <a href="" title="iphone" rel="tag">iphone</a>, <a href="" title="iphone 4" rel="tag">iphone 4</a>, <a href="" title="steve jobs" rel="tag">steve jobs</a>, <a href="" title="tech" rel="tag">tech</a><br />

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Sunstroke 5k #10 – 2010

Troy ran with me. Very hot. Definitely in that point of summer when my time starts dropping off due to the heat. But apparently running with troy pushed me faster.

Race Time Min/Mile
2 26:45 8:34
6 26:44 8:34
10 26:17 8:21

SHARED: Liz Fisher's Austin

Liz Fisher.

I know, I know, it seems like I am forever going on about how over-the-top fantastic Austin's theater scene is. I am so lucky that I stumbled into the role of theater reviewer, one of the many writing hats I wear in Austin — a gig that allows me the chance to take in shows all the time. I don't have a TV and with so many great live performances happening any given weekend, I don't need one.

Of course no great theater scene could exist without great actors, directors, producers and writers, and toward this end, the talent pool in Austin can only be described as an embarrassment of riches. Among those who make the Austin theater experience so memorable is Liz Fisher, who writes, acts, and produces. In her day job, she’s the Program Coordinator for Shakespeare at Winedale, an annual tribute to the bard. By night, she takes to the stage, showcasing her astounding ability to become a character.

I'm not alone in my awe — Fisher has been nominated for countless awards. I particularly loved her work in Bombs in Your Mouth and Featuring Loretta, both of which played at the Hyde Park Theatre where she is a Core Company Member. Here, Fisher shares some of her favorite Austin haunts.

Describe a Perfect Day in Austin

  • Pick up an iced latte from Mozart’s on my way to Red Bud Isle with the pup and the hubby.
  • After a leisurely walk around the island (and enough fetch to tire the dog out), pancakes at Austin Java followed by whatever the juice doctors at Daily Juice recommend.
  • Quick lunch downtown so I can stop in at some of the amazing art galleries near the heart of the city and just east of 35 (big thanks to E.A.S.T for teaching me where the great art is hidden in this city).
  • Swing by BookPeople to grab the current staff picks.
  • Hanging out at Dolce Vita, either people watching, reading, or surfing the interwebs.
  • Drinks on the patio of Hotel San Jose.
  • Either catching the hot new play at one of the many incredible Austin theaters (Hyde Park Theater, Off Center, Salvage Vanguard, Blue, Austin Playhouse being some of my favorites) or heading over to Alamo Drafthouse. I’m so spoiled by Alamo I can’t go to a normal movie theater any more. How did I ever watch movies without beer and REAL popcorn?!

What Are Your Favorite Dishes Around Town?

Mmmm… this is a tough one. Austin's always adding to its list of delicious and affordable places to eat, so it's hard to pick just one. Here are some of my current favorites:

I could keep going like this for days….

What’s Your Best-Kept Austin Secret?

Learn the roads east of I-35 so you don’t have to sit in rush hour traffic.