I’ve got tools

Not these kinds of tools.

So I’m testing some cool new tools to hopefully get me to blog more often. I’m playing with ScribeFire and Zemanta which will hopefully make things more dynamic.

I got inspired to write more after writing a 3 page monologue for the Vestige Group’s “Muses III” project. It still has some editing to go, but I figure I should write more blog posts. I often think of them while trying to fall asleep at night, then forget in the morning.

We took Etta in to get her fourth month shots yesterday. She handled them well. It’s hard talking to the doctor about her because she’s so agreeable most of the time. Nothing seems to bother her for long periods of time. She’s a very smiley kid, and I’m enjoying the fact that her hair is starting to spike out on top. Now we have to start feeding her solids. Because getting Stella fed every night wasn’t a big enough chore.

Speaking of Stella, things have gotten better. Julie, Etta, and she were sick last week and Stella was in a rebelous/whiney mood. The whole week was an ordeal. Then Julie’s mom came to stay with us for a few days and it was like a cloud had lifted. Stella is still not napping, which means she’s prone to extreme crankiness, but I’m no longer wanting to box her up and send her off to the circus.

So I’m going to put a notepad on my bedside table, and try to knock something out every day. Even if that is a long and boring post about how interesting CouchDB is. Keep me honest Internetz.